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International Insurance Company Statistics - Licencing Activity Report
  1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Opening Balance 418 449 485 497 516 543 600 644 693 733 740 765 777 780 738 739 741 761 760 708 711 696 703 646 652 661 670 683
Licences Issued 50 52 37 45 47 97 83 75 59 56 46 32 40 25 38 53 39 23 22 39 33 33 33 36 37 33 41 12
Licences Cancelled (19) (16) (25) (26) (20) (40) (39) (26) (19) (49) (21) (20) (37) (67) (37) (51) (19) (24) (74) (36) (48) (26) (90) (30) (28) (24) (28) (4)
Total Licences 449 485 497 516 543 600 644 693 733 740 765 777 780 738 739 741 761 760 708 711 696 703 646 652 661 670 683 691
Number of Licensed Insurance Entities

31 Mar


31 Dec


31 Dec


31 Dec


31 Dec


31 Dec


31 Dec


Class A Locally Incorporated 11 11 9 9 9 9 9
Class A Approved External 13 14 16 16 18 17 18
Class A Total 24 25 25 25 27 26 27
Class B Captives Excluding SPCs 509 504 490 486 486 490 525
Class B Captives - SPCs Only 157 154 152 148 138 128 149
Class B Total 666 658 642 634 624 618 674

B (i)

463 459 453 452 451 457 501
B (ii) 13 13 14 14 16 18 20
B (iii) 190 186 175 168 157 143 153
Class C Total 17 17 21 21 23 23 25
Class D Total 8 8 7 6 5 5 4
Total Insurance Companies 715
695 686 679 672 730
Portfolio Insurance Companies 55 54 46 43 36 27 19
Licensed Insurance Agents 37 37 37 36 46 45 46
Licensed Insurance Brokers 23 23 23 23 23 23 26
Licensed Insurance Managers 19 19 20 21 23 24 26

Domestic Insurance Companies Unaudited Statistics Q4 2022 (US $ 000)

  Property Motor Health International Health Liability Marine & Aviation Other Life Grand Total
Gross Written Premiums $303,508 $52,472 $418,995 $14,618 $76,080 $45,747 $44,576 $35,334 $991,330
Assumed Premiums $51,378 $434 $0 $1,709 $119,175 $14,643 $6,170 $0 $193,509
Ceded Premiums ($261,681) ($22,679) ($15,335) $0 ($7,494) ($2,216) ($943) ($5,448) ($315,796)
Unearned Premium Adjustment ($3,488) ($1,449) ($37) $0 $187 $84 $9 $0 ($4,694)
Net Earned Premium $89,717 $28,778 $403,623 $16,327 $187,948 $58,258 $49,812 $29,886 $864,349

Net Claims and Adjustment Expenses Paid 

Life: Policy Holder Benefits & Dividends

$15,278 $19,977 $319,657 $6,142 $88,532 $15,797 $27,396









Net Change in Reported Outstanding Claims 

Life: Net Changes to Actuarial Liabilities

($10,120) ($3,719) $978 $258 $50,639 ($5,723) $74,603









Change in IBNR ($34) $620 $11,804 $0 $93 ($57) $0 $0 $12,426
Incurred Loss Sub Total $5,124 $16,878 $332,439 $6,400 $139,264 $10,017 $101,999 $8,212 $620,333
Acquisition and General Expenses ($6,995) ($638) $33,538 $191 $7,065 $1,347 $920 $6,676 $42,104
Total Underwriting Expenses ($1,871) $16,240 $365,977 $6,591 $146,329 $11,364 $102,919 $14,888 $662,437
Underwriting Income / (Loss) $91,588 $12,538 $37,646 $9,736 $41,619 $46,894 ($53,107) $14,998 $201,912

Domestic Insurance Companies Audited Statistics 2022

  Motor Property Liability Marine & Aviation Health International Health  Other

Total Non-Life

Total Life & Annuity Grand Total
Gross Written Premiums $51,677,852 $303,839,453 $76,765,848 $42,804,134 $430,532,175 $14,617,960 $45,408,412 $965,645,834 $36,025,557 $1,001,671,391
Assumed Premiums $433,622 $51,377,753 $119,174,734 $14,642,564 $0 $1,709,132 $6,169,782 $193,507,587 $0 $193,507,587
Total Written Premium $52,111,474 $355,217,206 $195,940,582 $57,446,698 $430,532,175 $16,327,092 $51,578,194 $1,159,153,421 $36,025,557 $1,195,178,978
Reinsurance Ceded $22,444,717 $259,845,839 $9,464,612 $0 $16,747,502 $0 $1,431,978 $309,934,648 $5,404,800 $315,339,448
Unearned Premium Adjustment $1,427,391 $3,156,082 ($420,640) $0 $23,109 $0 ($12,446) $4,173,495 $0 $4,173,495
Net Earned Premiums $28,239,367 $92,215,286 $186,896,609 $57,446,698 $413,761,565 $16,327,092 $50,158,662 $845,045,278 $30,620,757 $875,666,035
Commissions Received $7,138,013 $43,564,521 $2,207,463 $0 $271,469 $0 $162,951 $53,344,417 $36,321 $53,380,738
Total Underwriting Income $35,377,379 $135,779,806 $189,104,073 $57,446,698 $414,033,034 $16,327,092 $50,321,613 $898,389,695 $30,657,078 $929,046,773
Net Claims Paid $14,616,569 $20,087,933 $87,838,031 $15,779,537 $316,512,933 $6,141,858 $27,383,635 $488,360,497 $9,157,483 $497,517,980
Movement in Claim Reserves $3,076,955 ($14,946,533) $50,540,354 ($5,649,501) $25,547,543 $258,171 $74,604,890 $133,431,878 ($1,189,877) $132,242,001
Acquisition Costs $5,969,518 $37,655,089 $2,057,479 $0 $26,568,958 $0 $158,901 $72,409,945 $4,888,533 $77,298,478
Other Underwriting Expenses $336,579 $865,242 $6,259,281 $1,228,074 $10,762,815 $191,027 $926,865 $20,569,883 $2,154,546 $22,724,429
Total Underwriting Expenses $23,999,621 $43,661,731 $146,695,145 $11,358,110 $379,392,250 $6,591,056 $103,074,291 $714,772,204 $15,010,685 $729,782,889
Underwriting Profit / (Loss) $11,377,758 $92,118,076 $42,408,928 $46,088,588 $34,640,784 $9,736,036 ($52,752,678) $183,617,491 $15,646,393 $199,263,884


Domestic Insurance Companies-Audited Statistics By Primary Class Of Business 2012-2022*View

Lines of Business Trend 2012-2022*View


Insurance Company by Risk Location Q1 2024

Risk Location Licence Count by Risk Location % Count by Risk Location Total Premium Total Assets Value
Africa, Asia & Middle East 8 1% $872,671,341 $2,043,500,299
Caribbean & Latin America 26 4% $523,856,559 $1,788,956,980
Europe 7 1% $35,122,835 $950,501,607
North America 618 89% $53,375,802,901 $116,039,936,526
Worldwide 32 5%  $3,327,075,254 $18,543,648,640
Total 691 100% $58,134,528,890 $139,366,544,052

International Insurance Company by Primary Class of Business Q1 2024

Business Class Licensee Count % of Licensees Total Premium Total Asset Value
Accident & Health 10 2% $208,624,671 $461,516,584
Automobile P.D. & Liability 38 5% $1,662,261,711 $4,008,685,708
Credit Life 8 1% $635,030,499 $678,211,470
Crime 1 0% $1,516,214 $16,832,902
Deferred Variable Annuities 8 1% $339,416,261 $9,479,548,304
General Liability 101 15% $2,420,275,871 $6,120,703,497
Healthcare 24 4% $4,067,893,239 $2,332,878,555
HPL and Physicians Liability 28 4% $362,569,511 $1,748,304,137
Life 33 5% $33,109,940,605 $65,642,257,251
Marine and Aviation 6 1% $31,994,845 $251,120,883
Medical Malpractice Liability 136 20% $3,038,178,582 $13,272,548,797
Products Liability 10 1% $57,425,380 $287,233,937
Professional Liability 56 8% $571,739,360 $2,494,778,658
Property 70 10% $5,032,179,863 $12,165,665,728
Surety Bonds 9 1% $67,772,804 $1,312,451,695
Workers' Compensation 153  22% $6,527,709,474 $19,093,805,946
Total  691 100%  $58,134,528,890 $139,366,544,052

International Insurance Company by Category Q1 2024

Category Count of Category % of Category Total Premium Total Assets Value
Commercial Insurer 15 2% $92,716,577 $2,883,522,336
Group Captive 129 19% $4,848,192,602 $13,504,907,843
Pure Captive 288 42% $5,362,784,772 $20,704,254,684
Reinsurance Companies 85 12% $42,746,952,650 $83,118,144,403
Segregated Portfolio Company 157 23% $4,458,430,488 $15,215,836,345
Special Purpose Vehicle 17 2% $625,451,801 $3,939,878,441
Total 691 100% $58,134,528,890 $139,366,544,052

International Insurance Company by License Class Q2 2024

License Class Count of Category % of License Count Total Premium Total Assets Value
Class B Insurer 673 96% $31,066,581,914 $122,011,037,746
Class C Insurer 18 3% $904,827,602 $4,999,541,776
Class D Insurer 9 1% $8,414,076,394 $24,923,410,497
Grand Total 700 100% $40,385,485,910 $151,933,990,019

Note: $ figures are in USD 

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